Monday, January 10, 2011

Beyonce Knowles may esteem Lindsay Parker Tattoo Ideas

i r a d00d… learn to type properly please. but yeah, im a guy.

it’s SJ Whiteley. here’s the default but BIG!

well then! you’d submit some images right fucking hereee!

girl with tattoo


heres a clear snap, of my new tattoo, it looks better now its calmed down,  i figured you guys might wanna see it properly, so heres number 5! getting more line work later in april., excuse my face, it is 4.22am >.<

girl with tattoo


Maureen van Mortis

girl with tattoo

Vanessa Lake yet a-fucking-gain. you love it you slags.

(via deviantART)

girl with tattoo

cadillac. vanessa lake. i’ll take both ta.

(via deviantART)

girl with tattoo

red hair. gorgeous body. fit as fuck tats. yes please.

(via deviantART)

girl with tattoo

Vanessa Lake. this girl is fucking beautiful. expect spam.

(via deviantART)

girl with tattoo


Vanessa by ~SHPHOTOLAB on deviantART

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