Sunday, January 23, 2011

Gwen Stefani shall go for Floyd Bloom Tattoo Ideas

girl with tattoo

My Harry Potter tattoo. The significance of the Patronus spell to me is that it is pure happiness, and a reminder to fight off the Dementors in my life—like depression and sadness. Also represents my love for the series.

By L at Outer Limits in Orange, CA.

girl with tattoo

My first tattoo. Got it on 1/1/11, the first day of the New Year.

It is lyrics from the song, “Eating Me Alive” by Alkaline Trio.

The words link up to the idea that people dear to me stick onto me. In a way they become voices in my head, like a love song.

Done by Tim at Jinx Proof in Washington DC

girl with tattoo

my first tattoo.
i believe in the importance surrounding the sociology and economy of food and making sustainable food choices.

idea taken from lincoln cafe, IA

girl with tattoo

“Killer Robot” design done by apprentice Joe Ellis at Cock A Snook Tattoo Parlour, Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK.

girl with tattoo

This is my Mickey drawn in sharpie & then tattooed by my good friend. He represents being a child at heart and part of my childish thought process. He’s innocent but one smart fella’. :)

girl with tattoo

carlovely got her hooter shaded today. next step: color and background.

girl with tattoo

mind the wonky knee. this is a brambling with “calamity” written on the bunting below him. the other leg has a female cardinal with “oblivious” in a banner - the two words were my parents’ nicknames for my brother and i as kids. (we’re olivia + calum, hence oblivious and calamity. rude parents!)

little calamity brambling is by the excellent kate at inka tattoos in brighton, UK. her work can be found at

girl with tattoo

girl with tattoo

My husband drew this of me.  He also tattooed it on me, that makes it all the more special.  Tattoo by: Owner/Artist Joe Kidd.  Done at: Wicked Ink Tattoos Raleigh, NC.

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Calavera Boba Fett tattoo. Favorite Star Wars character and a lifelong liking towards skeletons pretty much sealed the deal when I saw Jose Pulido’s artwork. my favorite tattoo yet.

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