Monday, January 24, 2011

Leonardo DiCaprio will stuck on Jeanne Middleton Tattoo Ideas

girl with tattoo

Mike Moses 

girl with tattoo

this is my second tattoo. it says “protege moi de mes desirs”, means protect me from what i want. placebo inspired :) i rather like it.

girl with tattoo

my second tattoo! its a line from lump sum by bon iver. not only is justin vernon my favourite musician, but this song means a lot to me. i couldn’t be happier with the tattoo and hopefully it is the beginning of a half sleeve!

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Done at Spiderbite Tattoo in Manchester, NH.
These are lyrics from “After the Storm” by Mumford & Sons. This song has a lot of meaning to me, and these are lyrics that can get me by on a bad day.

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I live in a community with a lot of faith. Being Atheist, I felt a little left out, and I would see people with tattoos representing their faith and for a while I was jealous, jealous because they had something they believed in so much. But, then I realized that I do have faith, I have bright, vibrant faith in science. So, I got a tattoo of a very colorful finch sitting on a branch to represent my faith in what I believe, Evolution. The finch represents the finches used by Darwin in his book On the Origin of Species, and it is joined with his signature beneath the branch. I think it’s an amazing tribute to what I believe, and gives me a sense of faith, in a warped way of course.

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Daniel Johnston dedicated tattoo. Hi, How are you? 

girl with tattoo

liz buckland (South Wales

I had this tattoo August 2009. It was the summer i’d turned 18 and had realised “loose lips (really do) sink ships” Its definatly a life lesson and a saying i will take with me for the rest of my life. The Vivienne Westwood orb symbolized my love for not only Vivienne but for the inspiration that she and fashion had on my life and still does.

The anchor symbolized the idea i was happy and stable. I had it done just before i moved out for university to study fashion promotion so the tattoo as a whole has a really strong sentimental meaning to me.

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This is my 3rd, out of the 4 tattoo’s I have, got it done middle of 2010. My good friend and tattooist Myles was tattooing my boyfriend at the time and turns to me and says “I would love to tattoo your head” . Funnily enough, I was thinking about getting it done for a few weeks before hand. So after he finished tattooing my boyfriend I showed him a picture I drew up a few days before. And there we go , Painful as fuck but so worth it.

M.Paten , OZTATZ Vermont Melbourne.

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“Of course it’s happening inside your head, but why on earth should that mean that it is not real?”

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Last page in the Chapter titled King’s Cross

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Got this tattoo the other day from Big Top Tattoo in Utica, Michigan. This canary really means a lot. It was inspired from a line from a Bright Eyes song, “you’re the yellow bird that I’ve been waiting for”. It’s a reminder of all the love I have in my life: my best friend, who is more my sister, my family and my boy. I also just have a connection to birds and envy their freedom.

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